
New Harmony Utopian community designed by Robert Owens

Why law of value really applies in socialist economies

Date: March 5, 2017Author: Paul Cockshott The term law of value has exoteric and esoteric meanings. The exoteric or superficial meaning is that in capitalist type economy, relative labour values will act as an attractor for relative prices. The more esoteric meaning is that the distribution relations in all societies are constrained by the distribution […]

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5 Year plan for the environment

Proposal for collaborative project to work on green 5 year plan

Paul Cockshott 28 Nov 19 In early November I was presenting a talk on planning algorithms to the Historical materialism conference in London. A major theme of the conference was historical materialism in the context of the climate crisis. One thing that struck me at the meeting was that people seem to be underestimating the

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Big Data

Big Data and Super-Computers: foundations of Cyber Communism

I shall be elaborating on the following theses: The inability of 20th century socialism to progress to communism led to the crisis of theUSSR. Communism requires a definite stage of development of technology. This stage was only reached at the very end of the 20th century. But this problem of technical adequacy can not be

Big Data and Super-Computers: foundations of Cyber Communism Read More »