October 2021
Long Live Red October
Author: Rob Gowland The October Revolution took place in the second decade of the last century. In other words, it was a long time ago: so why should we be concerned with it in the 21st century? That’s easy: because the change it heralded in the way society operates was so profound and so far-reaching
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Brexit, immigration and exploitation
Date: June 27, 2016Author: Paul Cockshott A key debate during the referendum campaign was on whether immigration exercised a downward pressure on wages or not. This was prominently argued over during the TV debates and if the Ashcroft polls are to be believed, the second most important reason given by Leave voters for their choice of vote
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Why labour theory of value is right
Version without the muffled initial announcements. Explains the empirical evidence for the labour theory of value. Also worth looking at this video: A relatively technical video on the theory of the rate of profit, dealing with what Anwar Shaikh has said about it in his textbook on Capitalism. This shows how Marx follows Newton’s method
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The Basic Physics of Global Warming
The explains what is called the enhanced greenhouse effect. The explanation that is popularly given of the greenhouse effect is too simple, and is open to objection by climate sceptics. This explains the more elaborate mechanism that really has to be used by atmospheric modelling.
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Calculating The Rate Of Profit
Some comments on how to calculate the rate of profit. Produced in response to questions from Helmut Dunkase translator of How the World Works to German. He will give a seminar on the book on the 11 Sept 10:30 am to 4:00 pm Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft (HAW) Alexanderstr. 16 20099 Hamburg
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